Thursday 21 January 2010

Jack Power Juicers Come To Your Health Rescue!

Jack Power Juicers - The New Age In Healthy Drinks

Are you considering going on a juice fast? If so, it's a good idea of make juice yourself from a variety of fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. The whole purpose of a juice fast is to cleanse your body, so that's why organic produce is preferable and fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables are far better than canned or bottled juices, which have lost most of their nutrients through the processing. So, if you're going to be making your own juice, you'll need to pick out a good juicer.

The Jack Power Juicer is highly recommended by people who know the ropes of fasting. They produce a number of models, so that a solution is available to suit all pockets. A Jack Power Juicer juicer or any other quality juicer can cost around 100 dollars, but if you think of the thousands of dollars in medical bills you can probably save down the road, 100 dollars doesn't seem like much. It's an investment. If you buy online, then you can make more savings as well, because Internet merchants do not carry the same level of overhead as conventional stores and can therefore keep their prices more competitive.

Here is a short video of one of the Jack Power Juicers in action.

The Jack Power Juicer, or juice extractor, is manufactured by Jack LaLanne, a highly respected company, known for making quality blenders found in many an American kitchen. One model is called the Power Juicer Deluxe. It has a powerful but quiet motor, which is an induction-type motor that has no brushes that can wear out, and it requires no lubrication or maintenance. The juicer converts both fruits and vegetables into pulp-free juice with commercial quality stainless steel blades that have a floating action, distributing the pulp more evenly and reducing wear and tear. It disassembles easily for dishwasher safe cleaning and comes with a lifetime motor warranty.

The Jack Power Juicer is a high yield juicer and provides up 30 percent more juice than some rival juicers. The pulp is collected in a large capacity collector, which is easy to clean. The juicer is very efficient and gives a high yield of juice for the raw materials that it uses. Its stainless steel blades cut through fruits and vegetable very easily and quickly too.

Fresh juice should be consumed as soon as possible after being extracted because the very beneficial enzymes in the juice begin to break down as soon as it's extracted. And the fresh enzymes in fresh fruit are part of what make it so good for the human body.

1 comment:

  1. This is to see such good work aftr long time...
    i hope u love works.

